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ASATEERLOGY is a small animation series  for MBC channel by Kharabeesh Company  

that produces animated cartoons, music videos .

These are some backgrounds for the show that represent different places around the world.

To watch the illustrations animated check the like below :

Click on the image to watch the video    /.    Cliquez sur l'image pour regarder la vidéo

Capture d’écran 2021-03-25 à 22.04.58.
Capture d’écran 2021-03-25 à 22.24.14.
Capture d’écran 2021-03-25 à 22.10.06.


   Project 2 :

- RLO e-learning 

  it's an e-learning project for       children age 8-12 years .

- These are some backgrounds for the project .

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